Personal & Professional Mastery
Personal & Professional Mastery

Although pure mastery is elusive, we can strive towards it if we choose. In this dynamic course, learn how to take the stress out of your life and become more productive by learning the secrets of the Masters. Successful people all have two things in common; the ability to understand themselves and their strengths, but also the ability to understand and work effectively with others. This program will give you what you need to achieve mastery both in your personal and professional life.
Debra deWaal is a former Calgary Police Officer who now leads her own company, Safe & Sound. This session will leave you re-energized and set to take on your next hour or your next life adventure. Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
Achieve new superior performance levels personally and professionally
Get the most out of themselves while under stress and pressure
Skills required to master working effectively with others
Re-focus and become energized and motivated to gain control and balance in their life
Recover and adjust quickly in times of adversity
Identify the most valuable communication skill of effective listening
All courses and workshops are customized to suit the needs of your audience. Courses can range from three
to seven hours in length, depending on the content
chosen. Although Debra's home base is in Calgary,
Alberta, she will travel anywhere across Canada.
Please call (403) 216-7000 or email at
for date availability, costs and content discussion.