Small Business Coaching
Small Business Coaching

Ever wondered what it would be like to own your own business and set your own hours? Ever had the dream of gently telling your boss you will no longer be coming in to work?
Do you have a small business idea that you are excited about, but not really sure how to begin? I may be able to help you with all of the above. I have 15 years of business experience and have successfully run three vastly different businesses. I have several passions in life, but few can compare with my zest for business.
As a small business coach I can help with:
Re-igniting your passion for your existing company
Sales and marketing planning
Time management
Business process refining - including streamlining your administration
Moral support and encouragement - non-business owners really don’t want to listen to you talk business, but I do!
Call (403)216-7000 or email me at for a consultation.
All coaching services are done in person not over the phone so Debra is currently only working with Calgary and surrounding area clients. Debra meets with her clients once every two weeks at a location and time of their choosing for approximately one hour. While the duration of the coaching can vary, it is usually a one year commitment. Please call (403) 216-7000 or email at for fees and to set up an interview.